Monday, June 6, 2011

Brown Gravy Boys

3rd Friday @ Biddle Gallery
Brown Gravy Boys
June 17, 7:00-9:00PM

The Brown Gravy Boys are a Michigan based string band of friends and rambling musicians consisting of Bruce Morse, Owain Morse,Chris Baig, Aaron Jozsa, Chris Musulin, and Eric McLaughlin. Their music consists of country blues, early rock & roll, folk, spirituals, bluegrass, and improvisation. There are several lead singers, along with some two and three part harmonies. They like to play other people's songs, some of their own, as well as traditional songs. In addition to multiple guitars picking, you will often hear mandolin, banjo, and harmonica. For more information about the Brown Gravy Boys, visit their web site!/thebrowngravyboys

Biddle Gallery features original artwork by over 100 Michigan artists.

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